
2025 -“The Bloom of Matter, 1979–1981” from a previously unpublished 1986 essay, and “Shaping Matter, 1990–1991”, for the book catalogue, Joyce Wieland: Heart On. Anne Grace & Georgiana Uhlyarik (ed). Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal and Art Gallery of Ontario, with Goose Lane editions.

2024 –Peacocks Dream: Script with Archival Letters, for Mackenzie Art Gallery’s Those That Came Before Us. Graphic design, Santiago Tavera; project manager, Jorge Zavagno.

2020 -with Anthony Head,”Exploring art, technology, research methodologies and the human in virtual, augmented and mixed realities or: how a research project, Elastic 3D Spaces, emerged from an outdoor projection event,” Practices of Projection. Editors: Gabriel Menotti & Virginia Crisp. Oxford University Press, 2020. 

2012 -with Maria Lantin, “Resonating Liveness,” Exploring HCI’s Relationship with Liveness Workshop, Computer Human Interactions conference (CHI) (May 5).

2011 -“It’s About Time: film time, living in time, viewing time, the times we live in, time passing, time & the end of irony: Joyce Wieland Films 1967-69,” Volume 2 in Five DVD box set with essay collection. 

2011 -with Maria Lantin, “So Much Closer,” Paper and art installation for User in Flux Workshop, Vancouver, British Columbia, Computer Human Interaction conference (CHI) May 7- 8.

2009   -with Brigitte Dajczer,”Then and Now and the In-Between: which EM Are we Talking about?” Expanded Standard Time: Artist and Electronic Media in Calgary (Calgary: empress, 2009).

2008-2007  -“Techno Whispers, in Tulip Theory,”  with kg Guttman and Maria Lantin in Audio Video Apparatus/Narrative Stakes, a Box Set/DVD with seven booklets with the writings of Mario Côte, Tim Clark, Chantal Dupont, Brigitte Kerhervé, Paul Landon, Leila Sujir, and David Tomas. Montreal: Éditions de l’École des arts visuels et médiatiques de l’UQAM, 2007. Available 2008 from the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina.  

2008 –Web project, New Republics exhibition, with Monika Kin Gagnon, Marty Allor, Trevor Gould, Sunil Gupta.

2001 –Vancouver Videographies, In Vision: Archive Project with the Vancouver video art collective, Video Out, as one of four artists invited to curate an exhibition culminating in a travelling exhibition. Vancouver, British Columbia (catalogue publication). 

2001 –Hot Links to a  Cold Climate: Masala Dry to Canada Chai: an exhibition intervention with the Canadian Museum of Civilization, as  one of three artists invited to curate an exhibition in response to the Museum’s India project, culminating in an exhibition of four contemporary artists, within the exhibition, “India: the Living Arts,” May – February through the auspices of the Canada Council for the Arts at the Museum of Civilization, Hull (catalogue publication).

2000 -Artist pages, “Tulipomania,” Textura. Montreal: La Centrale.

1999 -“‘A Language of Flesh and of Roses’–The Filmwork of Joyce Wieland,” The Films of Joyce Wieland. Editor: Kathryn Elder. Cinematheque Ontario Monographs. Originally printed for Canada House Catalogue (London, England) for Joyce Wieland Film Retrospective, January/February 1988. Reprinted in Independent Eye, Fall 1990.

1998 -Script excerpts from “The Dreams of the Night Cleaners,” Canadian Theatre Review, Spring.

1994 -“The Dreams of the Night Cleaners–My Mother’s Eggplant Story,” in the anthology By, For and About, Women’s Press, and in Tessera, Summer.

1992 -“The Dreams of the Night Cleaners, part 1,” The Road Home. Reidmore Books.

1994    – “Other Orthodoxies or The Centering of the Margins: A Dialogue,” with Sarah Murphy, Collaboration in the Feminine: Writings on Women and Culture. Editor: Barbara Godard. Second Story Press.

1992 -“On Being Female and (Half) Asian in an Art World Narrative,” Artichoke, Fall.

1992 -Artist’s pages and cover on “My Two Grandmothers, Her Great Grandfather, and Me,” Blue Buffalo, 10th Anniversary Issue. 

1990 –Video Archaeologies: Sara Diamond’s Video Work, at Images Festival’s invitation to curate a Canadian artist’s body of work. Images. Toronto, Ontario (catalogue publication). 

1989 -“On (Experimental) Film,” Cinema Canada, January.

1989 –Film & Video From the Heart of the Heart of the Regions, an exhibition of Canadian video and film with research in the archives and video distribution centres in Canada over a two year period culminating in a number of exhibitions. Glenbow Art Gallery and Vancouver Cinematheque. Inter-D and EM/Media, Calgary, Alberta (catalogue publication).

 1988 -“Remembering Winnipeg–the Plains Conference,” Poolside (Video Pool Journal), Fall 1987/Winter.

1988   – “An Interview with Writer Phyllis Webb,” Prairie Fire, Spring.

1987 -“Re: Placing the Lost Memory or Re: Presenting Ourselves–The Question of Local Representation,” Parallelogramme, December 1986/January 1987.

1987   -“The Movement of She and Sand,” Tessera (in a special issue of Canadian Fiction, #57).

1986  -“In and On Writing: An Interview with Two Feminist Writers, Smaro Kamboureli and Lola Lemire Tostevan,” Foothills, October.

1985  -“There Is a She Who Keeps Moving in the Story,” Dinosaur Review, Fall.

1985 -“Interview with Agit-prop Theatre Group in Bombay,” Last Issue Magazine, Summer.

1985 -“Mapping a Film Culture in Calgary,” NeWest Review, December.

1983 -“An Interview with Michaelle McLean from the Funnel Experimental Film Theatre,” CSIF Film Journal, Summer.

1983 -“Technologically Native: Research Document for a Film,” NeWest Review (April).

1982   -“A Review of ‘Agit-Prop,'”–a Performance Art Series at the Walter Phillips Gallery,” Vanguard, October.

 1982    -“The Cutting Edge: Every Picture Tells the Story–Censorship of Artists’ Films,” City Limits, July.

1980   – “Not Ready-Made (Marcel Duchamp) but Having-Been-Made: Roland Barthes’ Roland Barthes,” Brick 9, Spring.

Editor of Fictions

1996 -Editor of a collection of Sarah Murphy’s writing, Connie Many Stories: Stratford: Mercury Press.

1990 -Co-editor of a collection of Sarah Murphy’s short stories, Comic Book Heroine. Edmonton, NeWest Press.

1987 -Co-editor of a novel by Sarah Murphy, The Measure of Miranda. Edmonton, NeWest Press.

For Leila Sujir’s activities as a researcher with Elastic Spaces, see https://www.elasticspaces.hexagram.ca

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